Thursday, 29 March 2012


When creating a design, simplicity is the key aspect that makes the work more understandable (as long as the work has a meaning to it). To create a unique design, the design must have something interesting. In order for the design to be noticeable, it needs to be simple to allow the audience to recognise it. The best designs are the interesting ones that are abstract and simple, generating crucial initial interest.

This version by Helmut Krone
 and Bob Levenson.
Helmut Krone

Here Krone portrays a miniature Volkswagon car, extremely reducing the car's size in the poster. Conventional car adverts would advertise a car, accompanied by glamorous half naked women on a California beach, in an exotic way. Krone's design was unique, a style never previously seen,  Using very limited space and choice of  the right text make this design strong and prominent, rather than a cluttered design. When creating a design you have to state true facts. This design is 100% accurate and appealing. The heading is abstract and humorous which immediately captures the audiences full attention.

Juan Cabral

Gorilla Woah Lord! Debuting on UK TV
 tonight, a new spot for Cadbury's Dairy ...
Cabral gets rid of the chocolate water falls and uses a different technique to cleverly capture the audiences attention. He simplifies the situation and creates a psychological aspect of how chocolate makes you feel! The gorilla bangs on the drums, showing his excitement (comparing to the buzz chocolate can generate). This image is extremely powerful and distinctive which is striking and captures the audiences attention. The image is completely random but also humorous. The audiences' initial reaction is shock, but reality soon materialises and the public recognises the gorilla is not real.  Cabral is being truthful with his image, just teasing with the audiences imagination. He uses the renowned Cadbury colours in the short film, capturing the famous established Company values.

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