- Menu
- Recipe
- Timetable
- Shopping Centre map
- Bill
- Holiday Brochure
- Instruction Manuel
- Packing Information
- Health Information, etc.
Typography is the use of words and numbers designed specifically for an intended audience. Typefaces and fonts are used effectively to generate legible communication. It is imperative for a Designer to use the correct, effective typography in all designs. If this is not achieved, information provided may not be clear and this could be a disaster, especially when designing information guides, leaflets, etc. Typefaces effect Tone of Voice which effects the message being portrayed, whether it be serious, informative etc. It is imperative a Designer correctly achieves correct Tone of Voice in order to produce appropriate typography and convey an effect message across to the audience.
Neville Brody
He did many works about Saul Bass (he's graphic designer too). larausluer.wordpress.com |
Visual Hierarchy
Is communicating your ideas effectively, breaking down and distributing information in order to display important aspects of your design. This information needs to be eye-catching towards the audience and attract appropriate attention to desired areas. The illustration opposite is communicating important health information. The key headings and bold text are particularly visible and could be seen as visual hierarchy.
David Carson
This piece of designs visual hierarchy is strong, merging typography with the background image. Very unique, the design captures the audiences attention with its distinct layout! The type is repetitive, to ensure the viewer gets the message and the white typography overpowers the dull/dark background. The design itself displaying "DO NOT BE SATISFIED" establishes interest and generates a question, what does this mean? This design creates the impression the man in the image is also considering this.
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