Sunday, 23 October 2011

Inspiration and understanding

Inspiration predominantly effects how a designer captures initial ideas and is extremely influential in how a design is generated.  A designer can generate inspiration from almost anything, maybe something a designer has seen while travelling or any surrounding objects, there is no specific way a designer is inspired. It is very elite and personal to each individual.   We are constantly surrounded by inspiration; it's just a matter of opening your mind and considering all aspects of what is around you. Many designers find it effective to collect and detail their findings in a journal, a sketchbook or with a camera.

... the "art agency" changed into the
graphic design bureau destruct or ...

Here we have a flamboyant, vibrant, joyful advert, advertising Coca Cola. This design displays how the designer has acquired inspiration through the taste of cola and how it generates a buzz. The striking bright images convey how the designer reflects childhood memories by replacing coca cola bubbles with hundreds of charming fragments of cartoon imagery bursting from the bottle. Here the designer is trying to share with the public how he perceives the taste of coca cola and what an exciting delightful experience he considers the drink to be. This inspiration is clearly shown from the designer's personal experience and how he reflects back to when he was a child. This design portrays the designer's  inspiration with an abstract approach.

IWC "Ambient Advertising" bus hand straps.

This piece illustrates a handle being demonstrated as a watch. A very simple, yet extremely effective design. This exhibits how the designer  associates a passenger wrist strap with the same principles as a watch strap. The designer very likely noticed a similar wrist strap on a train journey and decided to consider including his own design using this same concept.  This inspiration allowed the designer to create a unique design for bus hand straps, while advertising the brand in an ambient way to the public. This is an extremely  enterprising and dynamic design for advertising.

Audience plays a crucial role when brain storming ideas; knowing and understanding your targeted audience is extremely important. Being able to understand your audience can influence your ideas and even narrow down assumptions. Being able to know whether your audience is going to be children,  gender, both genders, age, or global market etc can be extremely beneficial when brain storming.  Researching and analysing a specific audience can enable you to appreciate and design appropriate designs for a specific chosen audience.

A story board ...

Here, this story board helps reflect ideas and brain storm appropriately for a chosen audience. The theme in this illustration is based on a children's cartoon. It is very   important to consider your chosen audience as this will influence your final decision. You need to take into consideration whether your audience is young or old and also to which gender the story board is aimed for. This story board has successfully illustrated animated captions targeted for a young unisex audience, by its charming, humorous characteristics.

Alice in wonderland, cute , British, natural flora, little girl , vintage ...

A mood board can be greatly beneficial when reflecting your chosen audience.  This can establish the likes and dislikes of your targeted audience This example illustrates what 'girls' like and will give the designer a greater perspective as to why flamboyant pinks, cakes, dresses, flowers and cuddly teddy bears have been included. The designer will have a more in depth insight as to what is expected and required.  A mood board is a great way to help pinpoint what your targeted audience likes.This will allow you to establish interests and you will be able to reflect this appropriately. This detailed information will help stimulate the designer to generate a wider interesting range of designs. This mood board is evidently aimed for a feminine audience with its collective pieces which are associated with girls, the cliche' 'pink for girls'. By carrying out this research, your mood board can become the main source of information which will depict the style of design required for your chosen audience.

Sunday, 16 October 2011


Notions of Originality distributes how artwork, sculptures, etc are re-captured in different variations e.g. shape, colour, angle and promoting alternative messages. Artist's work is greatly influenced by other artists and many famous pieces have been observed to re-create different meanings and distribute different messages, in an attempt to capture peoples attention.This technique is, in fact, actually just an 'updated' version of the original classic.The 'updated' version could be humorous or with just a simple message.This method is an extremely acute way of including a campaign (advertising) to gain public attention which is easily noticeable with the abstract imagery.

ITAP Lecture 1- Connectivity.
The Notions Of Originality-
This art modernism, communist look distributes a photograph of a woman shouting with verbal text coming from her mouth, (literally). This design includes a collage of photography, text, shapes and also block shaped colour to make the black and white imagery photo prominent. 

ITAP Lecture 1- Connectivity.
The Notions Of Originality-

This adaptation of the original art modernism classic demonstrates the same features as the design above.  However, this design portrays a different woman with a plain dark backdrop, emphasising the word ''FRANZ FERDINAND'. These features are extremely similar, but with two different meanings. This design is aimed for the album cover of Franz Ferdinand, whereas the design above was a marketing tool in Russia.

 Michelangelo's Adam & God. The Creation of Adam illustrates the Biblical ...
Michael Angelo's classic  'The creation of Adam'  captures the biblical story of the creation of man. The power of God is emphasised by God reaching out to Adam and although the fingers do not actually touch God has ignited a spark to create man. This was depicted purposely to create a dynamic appearance and tension, waiting for the moment when the fingers actually touch. This is a very sacred piece of art demonstrating a perfect image of the creation of life. Angels nestle around God comfortably portraying they are happy in the kingdom of heaven.
Spielberg's E.T. and the New Testament
Spielbergs E.T. displays similar imagery inspired by 'The Creation of Adam' with the simple contact of fingers.This illustration portrays a different concept, the message here is about keeping in touch. Fingers touch and illumine, comparing to the affinity of God and Adam, when their fingers are about to touch.  E.T's depicts fingers illuminating representing power which resembles strongly with the spark of power when God reaches out to Adam. Although the concept has similarities with the touching of fingers, two complete different meanings are exhibited, Michael Angelo's painting portrays creation of life and Spielberg's illustration portrays Aliens keeping in touch.

Relationships developed from existing forms of historical culture. This theory illustrates how artists use work from existing pieces of work and re-compose it with their own personal interpretation. However, this is also influenced by how the public may react. If a piece of work is created with the same style and technique, but with a different purpose, it could be seen as disrespectful, or completely the opposite, as genius. However this is a huge risk.  You can instantly go from 'hero' to 'zero'. You need to consider who the work is aimed for, the country, whether there are religious or strong political issues and even timing. All these factors can contribute and have a strong influence on whether an artist takes the enormous risk of using personal interpretation of existing artists work.
Relationships developed from existing forms
of historical culture
Here we have an abstract adaptation of the classic Da Vinci panting of 'The Last Supper'. Jesus sits centre with his disciples and offers 'wine' representing his blood and 'bread' representing his body.  However, this version depicts super models with Jesus and his disciples being shown as women.  This illustration promotes the power women have in today's society, portraying domineering imagery of equality in women. This imagery is most likely to be found in a fashion magazine. It clearly defines the most important person 'Jesus' and presents Jesus as a woman.  This is evidenced by the woman's posture and the positioning of hands replicating Jesus at 'The Last Supper'.  Jesus  shares bread and wine, representing his body and blood, whereas the model, with the same posture is depicting fashion.  The male body may represent Mary Magdalene or even Judas, both ways give an interesting point of view. It could either portray men as ruthless and evil or demonstrate women can do a man's job. An adaptation of Da Vinci's work is clearly evidenced by the models stance in the photograph, representing the same positioning of Jesus and his Disciples at  'The Last Supper'. This illustration depicts imagery similarly to the sacred piece of art of Jesus (SON OF GOD) and compares it to fashion. It was an enormous step and a huge risk to create this likeness which was, in fact, banned from some countries who considered the photo defaced the sacred image of 'The Last Super'.

I believe there is no original or eventual
ending and that we merely change, ...

This piece illustrates an inventive adaptation of the famous Andy Warhol's 'Marilyn Monroe'. This bizarre life-like pop art has the same features as the original 'Marilyn' exhibiting eccentric blonde hair, pink face and bright blue eye shadow. These features commensurate with the
original image. However this image is unique with the inclusion of a torn picture of 'JFK ' who Marilyn had an alleged affair with. This is displayed on her forehead to illustrate, in an abstract way, how 'JFK' was always on her mind, or a part of her. This issue was very political and by illustrating 'JFK' in this way would display the affair he had the the icon 'Marilyn Monroe'.  This image would cause offence and outrage, disgracing the original piece by turning it into a political, adultery conspiracy.

Sunday, 9 October 2011

Development of creative thought and structure

Managing a creative environment is very important for an artist/ designer. The surroundings where you work can instigate what inspires you when designing, from art work hanging on the wall, postcards, photos, to little pointless items you've collected over the years. All these can stimulate big ideas and even make you 'the designer' feel creative being surrounded by all this. Objects such as cameras and paint brushes can  help create a professional atmosphere, which can help encourage a professional approach and energise ideas, thus in tern, promoting professional work.  The objects you collect, even a toothbrush, could be useful; this could be used as a paint brush, All items collected, no matter how small, in your environment could be useful and everything can be used in an artistic way. " All children are artists. The problem is how to remain an artist once he grows up" Pablo Picasso . This quote can re-captures childhood and reminds you of when you collected those shells and pebbles off the beach.  Being surrounded by items you have collected can stimulate your creative side, encouraging and stimulating ideas

Designer Workspace
This workspace illustrates creativity, with loads of inspiration surrounding the designer. As you enter this room you are greeted by numerous magazine cuttings, postcards and photographs, together with a comfortable chair which will allow you to relax and let your mind go crazy. Shelves full of little items, toys etc. bring out the child within you (like from the Picasso quote). Bright colours from illustrations, photography, etc can help generate ideas while working. Appropriate surroundings can activate your mind and broaden imagination and ideas.  Rooms decorated in a light colour e.g white creates space and allows items to be prominent and instantly noticeable. When you enter a room appropriately furnished and decorated generates inspiration and enthusiasm to become creative.

My personal work environment demonstrates the theory of how collecting items and being surrounded by existing work can help stimulate you when you work. Here I have collected small personal items over a number of years, books, toys, etc. These items help  stimulate and broaden my ideas. I embrace ideas by considering all aspects of small individual items which can be utilised within my work. By being surrounded with graphics this energises and instigates ideas, contributing to the production of  creating unique work. Working in your own personal environment allows you to be comfortable with your surroundings and personal creative ideas.

Getting rid of assumptions when designing would help the public/ audience understand a message in a simpler, abstract and metaphoric way. The way you portray a message must be within the theme and purpose, but also designed in a interesting way and illustrate more possibilities of what the design is trying to depict. Rather than use the typical head line and photo, designers can make their designs more eye catching to the audience in a way that tells a story with imagination and creativity. Looking at a problem and solving it can make it more impressive and effective. Looking at things in a different perspective or angle could be the most effective part of the design, making it prominent and noticeable. This method can generate a strong, powerful message and capture the audiences immediate attention.

Brian Cronin

Cronin's work is a perfect example of "getting rid of assumptions".  It illustrates
a story though a different approach. In this example Cronin demonstrates the American flag as a man eating monster, which would represents monstrosities within the American Government . The small individuals on the ground are the colours of the flag " Red and Blue" representing the 'people' of America. The 'Monster' is standing tall and powerful, observing the people of America, portraying the American Government as being totally in charge, This illustration is demonstrating the political side of America and portraying it in a domineering, powerful way. This image is created with traditional printing; by doing this, the Artist portrays his work extremely strong like traditional Japanese prints.

Brian Cronin

This image illustrates Art Modernism, a Communist piece evidenced by the colours and the theme generated. The image portrays an army created from melted iron exhibiting them as "strong and tough'. However, if you look more closely, this could suggest the iron being fed to the men.  as food makes you big and strong. It helps you think of iron/metal by the red girder. The colour red could create a Russian theme, representing the Russian flag and the strong domineering army they possess. The limited colours use illustrates this poster in a clear, simple yet forceful way to capture interest.

Here is an example of my work using the above method, theory. The imagery I have used within my work portrays the lifestyle of cyber dating. The text, ripped pieces of paper, represents words 'texts/emails' that people use, rather than  there own personal voices. The use of "cut out eyes" emphasises that people do not really see the person when they cyber date, which is why I decided on the theme 'Love is Bind'. This collage successfully achieved a constructive, creative and easily recognisable piece of
work: simple yet effective.

Saturday, 1 October 2011

Reflective visual journal

Utilising your creative Brain. The Brain is divided into two sections (Left/Right side) both sides of the brain are completely opposite. The Left side of the Brain acts more accurate, quantifying, clarifying, etc, knowing numbers and being more " realistic". The right side of the Brain acts more freely, playful, sensitive, curious, etc, acting as a child. Both sides of the Brain are amalgamated, combining both the thoughts; this is the main source exhibiting how artists combine ideas together with designs. Artists have fun being creative and adventurous with their work, being able to be experimental and wild  with their ideas (right side). However, these ideas are created with intention, purpose, direction and theme, etc which allow these ideas to be done with a meaning ( left side). Both sides of the Brain complement ideas and produce something amazing. This approach defines what a artist thinks and how ideas are distributed.

Artist Michelle Ward- book ", an A-Z
creativity guide for collage and book artists"
- Lynne Perrella-page 47

Ward portrays the work with both right/left side of the brain by being "creative" with her journal, together as well as being sensible with the theme and style of the piece. Here we have an American 4th of July style journal page, with humorous pieces added. The denim pocket and the mini flags create a American patriotic 'diner' impression. However, this crazy layout is easily recognisable by its simplicity, making it easy to understand with its uncomplicated detail which can be immensely powerful at the same time. The add-on flaps generate a revealing side of the journal, utilising space to enhance ideas and make the design prominent and easily identifiable, being sensible and creative.

Artist Lesley Jacobs- book ", an A-Z
creativity guide for collage and book artists"
-Lynne Perrella- page 37

Jacob's journal shares a theme of 'fish'. The double page spread explores the artist's favourite hobbies of fishing as well as being extremely decorative with cut-outs and prints, including her personal items, such as a photo.This funky design elaborates what she admires with her feelings towards her hobby. However, it is easily recognisable, showing both sides of the brain working together to bring a sensible, creative, bizarre format.This coincides with  bringing a little humour to the fish cut-outs in the bucket. The little insert attached is extremely effective, combining the theme with her childhood memories, which would have come from the left side of the brain; this also being portrayed with funky imagery surrounding it 'the right side of the brain'.